Monday, May 7, 2012

Your Nike shorts are causing me to stumble.

Just some rants. 3, 2, 1.. GO!

Girls in ATX, specifically the ones near those 5ish blocks around UT have the most ridiculous wardrobe. Seriously, we researched ;) Katie and I literally counted 20 females in this lazy sororish attire, within TWO blocks. Granted, it's totally OKAY if you're in a massive t-shirt and neon nike shorts if you're coming to or from the gym, running or some kind of activity like that. However, to make this your staple outfit is about the dumbest thing ever. Not cute. The designer sandals and pearls don't bring it all together. Stacy and Clinton would SO be with me on this one :)
If nothing else, Katie and I enjoy keeping track of these loverly little outfits (and frat daddys roaming the ATX) hahaa!

I really enjoy where I work. I get to meet lots of people and see kiddos and work with a great, fun staff. Here are some things that I also love..mainly related to work:

I adore seeing dads with their kids at the mall. Because A) they're present in their children's lives. B) The majority of them are so stinkin awesome and just having a ball pushin their little strollers and holding their kiddos hand.
It's really encouraging to see that outside of the church environment. I don't mean to sound like non-church goers are awful parents, but secular raising of children differs from Godly upbringing... typically. So it's just REALLY nice to see legit parents when I'm not at church, that's all.
Anyways, I never realized how much I am wired to desire a lil family. And seeing role model parents in public takes away a somewhat tainted view I have somehow acquired as of late..even though i have a massive love for little ones. I soak up every second a kiddo comes into Loft with their mommy or daddy. I try to make them laugh and mainly, I just can't wipe the smile off my face while they're there. I adore children. And I REALLY never knew how much I would miss having kids in my life 5 days a week..until I didn't. I know I'm not called to be an educator, but shoot.. crossfit kids in the house? I need some more rugrats in my life stat! They keep you young right?
End rant..
Stroller dads, rock on!!'s the reference to my title:

From a Chi Alpha group, not meant to be offensive, sillies :)

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