Haha I got this picture from someone who does crossfit at TBC. (If you live in SA, TOTES check out one of the free classes. Best workout you will ever experience.)
Anyways, not only because I never get injured while in my crossfit classes, I'm just obsessed. The work outs never get old and the coaches are phe-nommmmm. Not gonna lie, I was super intimidated, but now it's just a challenge to keep up with the veterans :) And I notice the difference in how my body is reacting to these workouts versus going to the same bodypump class everyday. Insane. My core has NEVER been as sore as it is right now. I freakin love it! Today was my first REAL class. The ones I've been going to for the past 2 weeks are fundamental and entry level classes. Which, by the way still kick butt. The work outs consist of a warm up, ante, and WOD. Here's today's lovely lineup:
150 Wall Ball (low squats with soft weighted ball, tossed to a target on the wall. But you stand like a foot from the wall)
1 x for time- 7min:40sec was my time.
150 Wall Ball (low squats with soft weighted ball, tossed to a target on the wall. But you stand like a foot from the wall)
1 x for time- 7min:40sec was my time.
(Most the guys used 12 and 20, but I used the 8 ball...150 is a freakin lot. I could have done 12 though seeing I was the first one done haha).
1000 meter row
50 Thrusters
30 Pull ups
50 Thrusters
30 Pull ups
1 x for time- 12min:38sec was my time.
This wasn't incredibly awful until I got half way into the thrusters. Because Dan had me do these last night. But the up side to the ones this morning is that it was just the 35 lb bar. But trust me, that was plenty. AND I had a medium band for the pull ups. It sucked. I was cursing a little bit haha, it's what happens when I work out sometimes. But, it felt so good to FINISH. ay dios mio!
And nowwwww my leg. Freakin garbage. Had to cancel my photo shoot on Sunday in FL cause I look like roadkill :( Oh well. I'm still going to the beach :) Just gonna sport a bruise haha.
My masterpiece of a bruise. It literally makes a perfect semi circle from the front of my knee to the side of my thigh. I have a golfball sized knot/bruise on my other leg too. haha fail.
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