If you have been sadly keeping up with my facebook statuses in the past couple weeks you would know that I have had some very unfortunate encounters when it comes to activities outdoors. Literally everytime I'm outside something wrong happens.
Skip to the bottom if you just want to know why I despise men, texas and bikes haha.
**Bloody battle wound pictures at bottom too. :)
And here's tonight's award winning story. -__-
I start biking at 8PM at Leon Trails. It's light out when I start but I have a light on my bike cause I knew it'd be dark by the time I finished. Twenty minutes, 5 miles, turn around. One mile later it's gettin pretty dark, but I've got my handy light still! I'm at the part of the trail where there's houses on one side. Well for some reason I swerve a little and instead of over correcting and going the other way I shrug it off and just ride a split second off the sidewalk. Oh what's that in front of me? (I really don't know what it's called because we don't have them in Florida #win) but it's that drainage thing between houses. For my non-Texan readers it's like as wide as sidewalk and made of concrete, but it's about a foot and a half deep. So it's a little concrete river without the water. Yeah sure?
Ok well I was pedaling full speed at that sucker. Couldn't see it whatsoever. *But Sasha you had a light!?! YEAH the light is so other people can see me...not so I can see everything :(
Welp the front tire hit the far side. I flew over the bike. Then the bike flew over me. Would've been a nice action shot, like forreal.
Ok well I was pedaling full speed at that sucker. Couldn't see it whatsoever. *But Sasha you had a light!?! YEAH the light is so other people can see me...not so I can see everything :(
Welp the front tire hit the far side. I flew over the bike. Then the bike flew over me. Would've been a nice action shot, like forreal.
A. I would like to thank karate for teaching me how to fall correctly. Perhaps why my elbow and/or shoulder is not broken right now. But the rest of me...hurts.
B. I would also like to thank Coach Adam for teaching me to fight for my spot in cheerleading, which in turn made me always get back up no matter how hard I had just fallen out of a stunt and do it again.
So, you guessed it. I got up. Picked the bike up. Stood there for a second and then realized my light didn't work.*%$^&%$*! Really?! I'm four miles out in the dark with no light. Oh and this is the ONLY time I have ever been on this trail without a phone. Go figure. Angry.
So I just start to walk with the bike. Yes, I clearly could have gotten back on but I was quite angry at the bike at this moment haha.
So I just start to walk with the bike. Yes, I clearly could have gotten back on but I was quite angry at the bike at this moment haha.
When I get to some light I realize I have blood dripping down my leg. *Any on my Vibrams?!!? NO. Whew! :)
Then not one but TWO bikers with working lights I might add come up behind me. I look right at them. Stopped with my bike and neither of them say a word. Men. RUDE.
Then not one but TWO bikers with working lights I might add come up behind me. I look right at them. Stopped with my bike and neither of them say a word. Men. RUDE.
And I get passed by a male runner. Says nothing. Seriously?!
So I get angrier and hop on the bike and slowly make my way back. I'm angrier now because I just got walked by AND I won't make my time I had set. Ten minutes passes. Some toolbag passes me and (Yes, I realize he had no idea I fell off my bike but still he wasn't polite) says, "Hey man, where's your lights!?" in a very cocky 'this is my trail" kind of way. So I replied, "I fell over my handle bars and broke it. THANKS!" I added some reaaaaaal polite french words under my breath but I will leave those to your imagination.
Anywho. I get back (still finishing a ten mile ride in 50 mins I might add). And I go to the police officer who is parked by the trail entrance and I kindly ask if he has a first aid kit. Nope. But after I went to the car to get the one I remembered we had in there he came over and checked out my leg. Said it might need stitches. Bleh. So ems came and cleaned me up. No stitches though. HALLELUJAH! :D
They told me it would scar. I was like yeah broooo battle wound!
But here is my explanation for despising MEN, TEXAS, and BIKES tonight:
So I get angrier and hop on the bike and slowly make my way back. I'm angrier now because I just got walked by AND I won't make my time I had set. Ten minutes passes. Some toolbag passes me and (Yes, I realize he had no idea I fell off my bike but still he wasn't polite) says, "Hey man, where's your lights!?" in a very cocky 'this is my trail" kind of way. So I replied, "I fell over my handle bars and broke it. THANKS!" I added some reaaaaaal polite french words under my breath but I will leave those to your imagination.
Anywho. I get back (still finishing a ten mile ride in 50 mins I might add). And I go to the police officer who is parked by the trail entrance and I kindly ask if he has a first aid kit. Nope. But after I went to the car to get the one I remembered we had in there he came over and checked out my leg. Said it might need stitches. Bleh. So ems came and cleaned me up. No stitches though. HALLELUJAH! :D
They told me it would scar. I was like yeah broooo battle wound!
But here is my explanation for despising MEN, TEXAS, and BIKES tonight:
Men: The 3 *&#$%^! guys that passed me and didn't bother to help AND especially the jerk who yelled at me for being lightless.
Texas: I can do nothing in the great outdoors of your state alone, ever. This is a major issue. I just want some fresh air and exercise.
Bikes: Well you could've broken I guess, but you still hurt me tonight and I don't know the next time I will be riding again.

I'm thankful this is all that happened. And of course I won't be taking it easy. Cross fit all week until FLORIDA...then once I'm home, you bet your bottom dollar I'll be running my butt off! :)
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