Sunday, October 31, 2010


As a girl raised in the south, in a Southern Baptist, conservative, and traditional home... I cringe at the line "Chivalry is dead"..
"Chivalry is dead", and the point of this blog relate in this way: Who changed the rules and made it the norm for the lady to have to pursue, instead of be solely pursued. A solely pursued woman- the way the Lord wanted it, right?
Can women go back to being women instead of messing with this FWB, not being FBO, and all the other new lines being drawn by our modern, anti-modesty world? We live in a culture where "womanhood" is defined much differently than in God's Word., the ideal woman is not a caring,stay at home mother, but a sassy independent business woman. "With scripture, we can discover and know the purpose of our existence, but we can't dictate it". Do we have to trade our independent mindset for a 50's apron? H-E-double-hockey-sticks NO.
So where do we, as Christian women, fit into society today?
-We have a purpose clearly defined by our MAKER.
Society teaches us from the start to be utterly selfish, but our "womanhood" is not about us! Pride gets in the way and this "anything guys can do I can do better" takes over. We think we find ourselves and the purpose of our lives, by finding a career where we are noticed superiorly, by calling all the shots and domineering everything in life all the way down to relationships. We have a big piece of duct tape over our eyes and it says PRIDE. We walk the maze of our life, leading ourselves, bumping into every possible road block: loneliness, insecurities, broken heartedness, and all the hidden hurts. We avoid the side of the room that's soft and welcoming because we think we have it all with just a career and independence. But the other side of the room offers no walls to bump into, and where we can finally bring down the mask of PRIDE. "Women were created to reflect the character, grace, beauty, and responsiveness of the bride He redeemed." Does the way we interact with men honor who God created us to be and does it tells the story God intended us to tell with our lives..? Are you picking him up, calling him, initiating everything, leaving him no room to step in and be a man. STOP. We were not created to blows up boys' phones and be attention magnets. Give yourself more credit than that and most importantly give the God who created you more credit than living as a selfish pursuer.

I want to continue this blog with all the points of a P31. Here's the first:
A Proverbs 31 woman is to pursue her savior, not her coworker or the cutie next to her in Chemistry. We are to be pursued, just as Christ pursued our hearts to turn and come follow Him, to be the bride of Christ. And though it may be a long road we get impatient along..when has the Lord not been faithful? A woman who pursues a man out of impatience and pride brings no glory to the Lord in that relationship. Our goals and ideals are so twisted, and I point the finger at myself too. We want ALL these worldly ideals of marriage and family and careers and independence, but they can't fit in the same part of our life as Jesus- not until we take ourselves out of the equation. When we take out ourselves, when we follow the purpose God intended for a woman, we can have all of these things..a career a family and whatever else God has in store.

Tying back into chivalry. This definition shows us how women were treated. It also shows us how just like the knight picked a lady out of all the other ladies, Christ chose us and is jealous for our love. He wants nothing more than for us to be pursued by a knight like in this definition. But a knight whose heart resides in the Lord's Kingdom.

Chivalry: Courtesy towards women. This would contain what is often called courtly love, the idea that the knight is to serve a lady, and after her all other ladies. Most especially in this category is a general gentleness and graciousness to all women.

It's my prayer that girls..and women will realize their worth in Christ. Even I tend to forget it. But we are so much more beautiful when we follow His purpose.

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