As a girl raised in the south, in a Southern Baptist, conservative, and traditional home... I cringe at the line "Chivalry is dead"..
"Chivalry is dead", and the point of this blog relate in this way: Who changed the rules and made it the norm for the lady to have to pursue, instead of be solely pursued. A solely pursued woman- the way the Lord wanted it, right?
Can women go back to being women instead of messing with this FWB, not being FBO, and all the other new lines being drawn by our modern, anti-modesty world? We live in a culture where "womanhood" is defined much differently than in God's Word., the ideal woman is not a caring,stay at home mother, but a sassy independent business woman. "With scripture, we can discover and know the purpose of our existence, but we can't dictate it". Do we have to trade our independent mindset for a 50's apron? H-E-double-hockey-sticks NO.
So where do we, as Christian women, fit into society today?
-We have a purpose clearly defined by our MAKER.
Society teaches us from the start to be utterly selfish, but our "womanhood" is not about us! Pride gets in the way and this "anything guys can do I can do better" takes over. We think we find ourselves and the purpose of our lives, by finding a career where we are noticed superiorly, by calling all the shots and domineering everything in life all the way down to relationships. We have a big piece of duct tape over our eyes and it says PRIDE. We walk the maze of our life, leading ourselves, bumping into every possible road block: loneliness, insecurities, broken heartedness, and all the hidden hurts. We avoid the side of the room that's soft and welcoming because we think we have it all with just a career and independence. But the other side of the room offers no walls to bump into, and where we can finally bring down the mask of PRIDE. "Women were created to reflect the character, grace, beauty, and responsiveness of the bride He redeemed." Does the way we interact with men honor who God created us to be and does it tells the story God intended us to tell with our lives..? Are you picking him up, calling him, initiating everything, leaving him no room to step in and be a man. STOP. We were not created to blows up boys' phones and be attention magnets. Give yourself more credit than that and most importantly give the God who created you more credit than living as a selfish pursuer.
I want to continue this blog with all the points of a P31. Here's the first:
A Proverbs 31 woman is to pursue her savior, not her coworker or the cutie next to her in Chemistry. We are to be pursued, just as Christ pursued our hearts to turn and come follow Him, to be the bride of Christ. And though it may be a long road we get impatient along..when has the Lord not been faithful? A woman who pursues a man out of impatience and pride brings no glory to the Lord in that relationship. Our goals and ideals are so twisted, and I point the finger at myself too. We want ALL these worldly ideals of marriage and family and careers and independence, but they can't fit in the same part of our life as Jesus- not until we take ourselves out of the equation. When we take out ourselves, when we follow the purpose God intended for a woman, we can have all of these things..a career a family and whatever else God has in store.
Tying back into chivalry. This definition shows us how women were treated. It also shows us how just like the knight picked a lady out of all the other ladies, Christ chose us and is jealous for our love. He wants nothing more than for us to be pursued by a knight like in this definition. But a knight whose heart resides in the Lord's Kingdom.
Chivalry: Courtesy towards women. This would contain what is often called courtly love, the idea that the knight is to serve a lady, and after her all other ladies. Most especially in this category is a general gentleness and graciousness to all women.
It's my prayer that girls..and women will realize their worth in Christ. Even I tend to forget it. But we are so much more beautiful when we follow His purpose.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
mercy is falling
I am weak.
You make me strong.
I am scared.
You overcome.
I am angry.
You calm my seas.
I am discouraged.
You pick me up.
I run away.
You run after me.
I break your heart.
You welcome me with open arms.
I cry.
You know my pains.
I hide.
You see my heart.
I build walls.
You break them down.
I get lost.
You already found me.
I fail.
You see where I succeed.
I feel alone.
You never leave my side.
My God, what have I done to deserve all of this..?
My trials are nothing in comparison to Your unfailing love.
My. TRIALS. are. N O T H I N G.
God is faithful.God is faithful.God is faithful.
You make me strong.
I am scared.
You overcome.
I am angry.
You calm my seas.
I am discouraged.
You pick me up.
I run away.
You run after me.
I break your heart.
You welcome me with open arms.
I cry.
You know my pains.
I hide.
You see my heart.
I build walls.
You break them down.
I get lost.
You already found me.
I fail.
You see where I succeed.
I feel alone.
You never leave my side.
My God, what have I done to deserve all of this..?
My trials are nothing in comparison to Your unfailing love.
My. TRIALS. are. N O T H I N G.
God is faithful.God is faithful.God is faithful.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Keep Me.
Tonight has been full of near-revelations for me..back to the drawing board and what I lack mostesttt! Patience.
The Lord has been reinforcing patience and self control and motivation in my life for as long as I can remember. And it's times like right now that I wish I had allowed Him to work how He needed, so that ultimately (even if I didn't think so right then and there) I would benefit from it. I have never struggled so much with patience. I don't just mean I get mad at red lights..I mean life patience. I've somehow forgotten that the Lord's timing is perfect and assumed that me getting an answer or solution right NOW is what's best. I assumed that everything being revealed to my tiny little heart right NOW is what I think I can handle, that if I can't foresee what's going to happen, then I can't have the patience to work with what I have right now.
.."God reveals to us WHAT we need, when we need it."
Not only am I being impatient, but selfish too. I was only thinking of me and how I would benefit from knowing now or having an answer now. When in reality, the Lord is just making sure I can handle the next thing before He gives me something else. Impatient me thinks: WHY!? I want to know so I can be done with this.
Patient me says: Because He cares about me SO stinkin much and knows me SO well, He is only giving me what I can carry. I may think I can hold it all, but I can't (hello, pride).
I have like a BAJILLION thoughts rolling around in my head right now, but basically:
1. The Lord will reveal things to me on His own time, as I can handle.
2. He wants me to be BOLD in decisions, seeking first His will. Not just impatiently whining for what I want to see happen.
3. I'm not failing by getting lost in uncharted waters- I'm failing if I succeed at the wrong thing.
4. I have to leave what is secure.. sometimes patience means no comfort zone.
5. There are people in my life to be stepping stones in leading me to other people-relationships take time and of course patience.
6. Patience and faithfulness. Patience and faithfulness. Patience and faithfulness.
Being faithful, we have to assume the role of patient. Hebrews 11 is testimony of SO many who were faithful to the Lord- and patience with what He was asking of them or how He was going to answer them.
Verse 7a: By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family.
Verse 8: By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.
Verse 11: By faith Abraham, even though he was past age—and Sarah herself was barren—was enabled to become a father because he considered him faithful who had made the promise.
"..they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one."
Verse 17: By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice.
Verse 23: By faith Moses' parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king's edict.
Verse 29-30: By faith the people passed through the Red Sea[d] as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned. By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for seven days.
Verse 31: By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.
Imagine if Abraham or Noah had been impatient with the Lord. Can you think of how things would have turned out if Noah said..You know God I love you and all, but I really would like you to tell me what this all means right now and explain this to me. And the same from Abraham or Moses or Rahab or the Israelites..Imagine if they had been impatient with the tasks God had entrusted them with. He gives us these sometimes daunting and overwhelming tasks because He KNOWS we can handle it, even if we can't see it all. Even if it feels like it is going to break us. He gives this to us because He trusts us to being glory to Him through it. I can't ever tell anyone to be patient because I lack it so much, but I can finally begin to understand the WHY end of patience in situations. He trusts me to handle this, but He loves me enough to only make me hold so much.
Psalm 40:1
I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.
Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
The Lord has been reinforcing patience and self control and motivation in my life for as long as I can remember. And it's times like right now that I wish I had allowed Him to work how He needed, so that ultimately (even if I didn't think so right then and there) I would benefit from it. I have never struggled so much with patience. I don't just mean I get mad at red lights..I mean life patience. I've somehow forgotten that the Lord's timing is perfect and assumed that me getting an answer or solution right NOW is what's best. I assumed that everything being revealed to my tiny little heart right NOW is what I think I can handle, that if I can't foresee what's going to happen, then I can't have the patience to work with what I have right now.
.."God reveals to us WHAT we need, when we need it."
Not only am I being impatient, but selfish too. I was only thinking of me and how I would benefit from knowing now or having an answer now. When in reality, the Lord is just making sure I can handle the next thing before He gives me something else. Impatient me thinks: WHY!? I want to know so I can be done with this.
Patient me says: Because He cares about me SO stinkin much and knows me SO well, He is only giving me what I can carry. I may think I can hold it all, but I can't (hello, pride).
I have like a BAJILLION thoughts rolling around in my head right now, but basically:
1. The Lord will reveal things to me on His own time, as I can handle.
2. He wants me to be BOLD in decisions, seeking first His will. Not just impatiently whining for what I want to see happen.
3. I'm not failing by getting lost in uncharted waters- I'm failing if I succeed at the wrong thing.
4. I have to leave what is secure.. sometimes patience means no comfort zone.
5. There are people in my life to be stepping stones in leading me to other people-relationships take time and of course patience.
6. Patience and faithfulness. Patience and faithfulness. Patience and faithfulness.
Being faithful, we have to assume the role of patient. Hebrews 11 is testimony of SO many who were faithful to the Lord- and patience with what He was asking of them or how He was going to answer them.
Verse 7a: By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family.
Verse 8: By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.
Verse 11: By faith Abraham, even though he was past age—and Sarah herself was barren—was enabled to become a father because he considered him faithful who had made the promise.
"..they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one."
Verse 17: By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice.
Verse 23: By faith Moses' parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king's edict.
Verse 29-30: By faith the people passed through the Red Sea[d] as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned. By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for seven days.
Verse 31: By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.
Imagine if Abraham or Noah had been impatient with the Lord. Can you think of how things would have turned out if Noah said..You know God I love you and all, but I really would like you to tell me what this all means right now and explain this to me. And the same from Abraham or Moses or Rahab or the Israelites..Imagine if they had been impatient with the tasks God had entrusted them with. He gives us these sometimes daunting and overwhelming tasks because He KNOWS we can handle it, even if we can't see it all. Even if it feels like it is going to break us. He gives this to us because He trusts us to being glory to Him through it. I can't ever tell anyone to be patient because I lack it so much, but I can finally begin to understand the WHY end of patience in situations. He trusts me to handle this, but He loves me enough to only make me hold so much.
Psalm 40:1
I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry.
Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Running in Vain.
Still working on it...

"God hid our biggest rewards behind the highest barriers - our deepest fears. God wants us to face our fears, and hold ground in their presence, and let them go, and that's how we get out biggest rewards." I feel like the best lessons, the greatest things are sometimes the hardest pills to swallow when you are at the beginning. Of course you can look back at the end and understand how it perfectly pieced together. But, it's that bitter start thats stings. That pride killing, fist clenching type feeling of being helpless. We all go through it, some of us are just beginning, some of us just got to the end and finally saw the Lord's reward. But we eventually feel it all.
And what does everyone tell you to do: Cast your cares on Him, right? 1 Peter 5: 7. Oftentimes, I personally become numb to the verses people throw at me while I'm in the middle of a major struggle. ALWAYS, scripture is exactly what we need to hear, but the timing can be off or the motives can be wrong. Instead of relying solely on verses...apply it. Don't just robotically tell me a verse like thats gonna make me feel all better. Be genuine and care. I never realized how much I just craved someone to be real and genuine with me. That can call me out, but in the same way encourage my core. Not just the aesthetic encouragement we mimic like we're southern baptist cookie cutters, real genuine CARE. I know that fellowship and encouragement are things that during this time in my life, I need constantly (along with pumpkin lattes).. So in order to get it back, I'm giving it, I'm avoiding it, I'm acting like I don't need it..
What I mean is this:
Should we have to hit rock bottom alone though? How loud do I have to be for you to notice that I need something more than a "how're you?"? Can you really not tell the difference between the pretending and my vulnerability? Who do I need to be for you to notice that I'm not okay and I need you to be His hands and feet?
How long can you keep building those walls around your heart?
And how long can you keep running from who you really are?
Don't you know that he knows you, sees everything you've done
So tell me why you keep trying to fool everyone?
Let it out
Let it out
Everything you've worked so hard to hide
Let it out
Let it out
Leave it at the cross where Jesus died
Take off your mask
Find peace at last
Cause He loves you more than you could ever know
Admit how much you need healing
Trade it all for love and freedom
Trade it all for saving grace
Its gonna get that the best of you
Its gonna lift you up and let you down
It will defeat you then teach you to get back up
After it takes away all that
It will teach you to love what you're afraid of
After it takes away all that
You learn to love
But you don't
Have to hold your head
Higher than your heart
You learn to love

"God hid our biggest rewards behind the highest barriers - our deepest fears. God wants us to face our fears, and hold ground in their presence, and let them go, and that's how we get out biggest rewards." I feel like the best lessons, the greatest things are sometimes the hardest pills to swallow when you are at the beginning. Of course you can look back at the end and understand how it perfectly pieced together. But, it's that bitter start thats stings. That pride killing, fist clenching type feeling of being helpless. We all go through it, some of us are just beginning, some of us just got to the end and finally saw the Lord's reward. But we eventually feel it all.
And what does everyone tell you to do: Cast your cares on Him, right? 1 Peter 5: 7. Oftentimes, I personally become numb to the verses people throw at me while I'm in the middle of a major struggle. ALWAYS, scripture is exactly what we need to hear, but the timing can be off or the motives can be wrong. Instead of relying solely on verses...apply it. Don't just robotically tell me a verse like thats gonna make me feel all better. Be genuine and care. I never realized how much I just craved someone to be real and genuine with me. That can call me out, but in the same way encourage my core. Not just the aesthetic encouragement we mimic like we're southern baptist cookie cutters, real genuine CARE. I know that fellowship and encouragement are things that during this time in my life, I need constantly (along with pumpkin lattes).. So in order to get it back, I'm giving it, I'm avoiding it, I'm acting like I don't need it..
What I mean is this:
Should we have to hit rock bottom alone though? How loud do I have to be for you to notice that I need something more than a "how're you?"? Can you really not tell the difference between the pretending and my vulnerability? Who do I need to be for you to notice that I'm not okay and I need you to be His hands and feet?
How long can you keep building those walls around your heart?
And how long can you keep running from who you really are?
Don't you know that he knows you, sees everything you've done
So tell me why you keep trying to fool everyone?
Let it out
Let it out
Everything you've worked so hard to hide
Let it out
Let it out
Leave it at the cross where Jesus died
Take off your mask
Find peace at last
Cause He loves you more than you could ever know
Admit how much you need healing
Trade it all for love and freedom
Trade it all for saving grace
Its gonna get that the best of you
Its gonna lift you up and let you down
It will defeat you then teach you to get back up
After it takes away all that
It will teach you to love what you're afraid of
After it takes away all that
You learn to love
But you don't
Have to hold your head
Higher than your heart
You learn to love
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