Thursday, June 2, 2016


Random list of Sashaisms

Always pet the puppy.
If you don't love it- don't get it, don't do it. Move on.
If you aren't happy, change your life.
If you mess up, don't just fix it. Fix it better than before, and take responsibility for it.
If someone means something to you, tell them.
Don't buy crappy candy and chocolate. Splurge on the real thing. Reese's are NOT that good.
In my head, I slam into every car who views a yield sign as a speed up sign.
At a 4 way stop, don't wave me on before I have even gotten to the stop sign. You are not my Momma, slow your roll.
Pull over or change lanes for emergency vehicles (looking at you MASSHOLES)
You can live without a microwave.
Get rid of things you don't use within 3 months.
Make your bed.
Say yes ma'am and yes sir.
Kids DON'T address grown ups by their first name, unless they request it.
Learn to properly shoot a gun.
Learn self defense.
Know how to do just about everything on your own, or be able to figure it out eventually.
Don't say sure- say yes or no.
Have integrity.
Don't feel guilty for needing a break every now and then, mental health is important too.
Krispy Kreme will always dominate Dunkin' Donuts in a taste test.
Iced coffee and heavy whipping cream is a match made in heaven.
Talk to cashiers, don't ignore them. Smile, too.
Don't get mad at the person just doing their job. Keep your cool.
When having a serious conversation or argument keep your palms open, don't clench your fists.
Scan the room for exits.
Convince yourself everyone in the parking lot IS going to attack you, so one day if it happens, you are "prepared".
Don't be taken advantage of. Do your research.
Hold hands.
Random acts of kindness go a long way. Do them.
Learn peoples favorite things so you can surprise them with it.
Travel. Always travel.
Say yes to people and experiences.
Sell your stuff.

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