Thursday, November 21, 2013

Paralysis by Analysis

"You can be comfortable or courageous, but you can't be both."

I find that the biggest frustration for myself and seeing in others is when something is so over-analyzed, that nothing ends up happening at all. Instead of taking that first big step (which, yes, is always the toughest) they dwell on the insignificant details until their time runs out and the opportunity has slipped away.

You never did go on that mission trip.
You didn't take on that leadership role at church, school or work.
You didn't have that conversation with the woman at the store.
You missed out on your dream job.
You cheered from the sidelines as you watched that race you decided not to run.

You get there by doing, going and being. No by trying to "go, do, be." The more you try, the longer you will have nothing at all figured out. The longer you wait for the perfect conditions, the quicker that opportunity is going to be whisked away. Do you really need to have it all figured out to make it work? How can you know unless you don't just go for it?

So you take that leap of faith and you fall flat on your face.
Are you dead? Are you incapable of trying again? Do you still have a job? Do you still have a house? Okay, great. Guess what, you're richer than 90% of the rest of the world even as a total failure. That puts things into perspective huh.

You learn really fast when you fail. So by staying in your bubble you are:
A. Accomplishing nothing and going nowhere
B. Not learning a single thing.
For the love of God.. GO!

Identify what is stopping you.
Then ask yourself why you're allowing it to control you or even a part of you.

I know this was pretty blunt, but I know someone needs this push-this kind of encouragement.

(Yes, it's worth it. It's scary..Man is it scary sometimes, but the outcome is victory and courage and a boldness that can't be described. Don't subdue the desire God has placed on your heart friend. His plan will meet you when you least expect it. Trust Him to it now)

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