Sunday, April 8, 2012

Picket Fences.

Daydream 101:

He's got Ruthie's hand and she has Jude's. She refused to coordinate them all, way too cliche. But Easter attire nonetheless. He's got slacks and a nice pastel button down on. Ruthie and Jude are in crazy colors and prints, like living Easter eggs. She's wearing a simple dress, but killer heels. They drop the twins off at Sunday school and walk to their usual seats for service. Family is in town, so they saved a few extra spots. Everyone arrives and hugs are exchanged. Lunch follows service at their house. The whole backyard is decorated and set up for all the guests. The kids play on the trampoline and blow bubbles. Grown ups sit on the porch after lunch and sip sweet tea. Laughter and stories fill the house and yard. When everyone heads home, Jude wraps himself around his mother's leg, "happy easter mommy!". Ruthie and daddy come soaring into the room and he kisses mommy on the cheek, "Yeah, happy easter mommy!".

Close curtain, end daydream.

There are so many days when I want to fast forward to this life. And then there's days when I am soooo disgusted by it and want nothing to do with it.
I don't ever want to find contentment in the American dream. Ever. Yes, it's beautiful. Yes, it's fun. Yes, it's full of great relationships, opportunities, family, jobs, travel and a number of other things. But the American dream is not what Sasha Rihana Arms was created for. I was created for so so so SO much stinkin more than a white picket fence and a precious little family. Can I desire these things? Certainly. Should I let these desires be my motivation in life? Negative.

For those of you who don't have a relationship with our Creator, this may just sound nuts. And I pray that some day you'll understand and desire this in your own life. For those of you who do, keep me, and every other brother and sister accountable. We need reminders that the picket fence IS NOT all there is. We have commandments to live up to as disciples. Simple commandments that we daily forget. That I absolutely daily forget. What's my purpose? Why am I here? Oh yeah.. TO KNOW GOD AND MAKE HIM KNOWN.
duh, Sasha.

I'm not here for anything else.
Once we become so engulfed in this world, I find it millions harder to remember that this is my sole purpose of being. It's so frustrating to know that I can live a "good life" and be a "good person" and COMPLETELY, continue to miss why I am here. A good person doesn't necessarily make God known. But someone who makes God known is good. Right? Someone who loves God and others. Who is kingdom minded at all times. Check my theology on that one.. But it makes sense in my brain.

I'm not worthy of being called a good person. Not in the least.

Anywho.. just jotting some thoughts down.

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