Sometimes I feel so full of love it just comes spilling out.
I guess you deserve a little more explanation than just a blog. BUT, I have an entire new life here, and as much as I want to be able to keep my friendships exactly the way they were before I left, it's almost impossible. I can't begin to really live here until I can stop living the life I had there. That's a part of moving away people don't realize they HAVE to face. You have to pick one of your worlds, you can't live in both. You think you can "keep in touch" and you probably sincerely want to, it's just extremely difficult. That's the boat I'm in folks. Believe me when I say I am trying to keep you updated...but stalking my facebook is about the only way you'll be able to stay updated for the moment. Perhaps in the future, I will be able to juggle both, but right now, my focus is on my future and finding where I need to be, relationships I need to invest in here, and what I need to be doing with the time God has given me.
On that note, what have I been doing with my time?
Welllll I've been blessed with a full time job, that not only pays the rent but comes with awesome co workers and food ;) I have my own place and a puppy, Sidney! I teach PE part time as well and babysit every now and then. Crossfit is my outlet in a lot of ways. I LOVE it. I'm getting certified in February here in San Antonio. Kinda sorta have a church home here, I go to an amazing college ministry called Emerge, such a blessing. And I go to another church on Sundays. It's difficult not knowing every single face in passing at church though. I miss that so much about home. It's amazing how much just a familiar face can make you feel 100 times better. But, I don't go to church to "feel good", so there's lesson number one of about a bajillion! On the social side, I get out every now and then for a night of two stepping or a Texas country concert. But honestly, I work and workout so much I just want to sleep most nights.
In between all of that, I have decided that I am going to pursue my BBA at the University of Michigan (Lord willing!). I got to spend a weekend up there for the OSU vs. UM game with my dad and it just solidified all the dreams I had about going to that University. My theory on that one is this: Michigan has been my dream since I can remember. The only person who can make it a reality is ME. Frankly, the clock is ticking, and as long as my heart is pumping I'm going to keep stepping into the unknown. If the Lord opens a door, I go. If He shuts this one, I start over, no big deal. He's got my back!
Sasha, you're packing up and leaving again?! Well, my life shouldn't consist of a city and people. My life is my relationship with Christ and how I make Him known everyday. I'll be honest, I haven't been coming close to that. At all. Thankfully, His "mercies endure forever" and He is still making me new everyday. I'm taking all of these lessons one day at a time, and I'm a work in progress. Whether the end result gets me to Ann Arbor, Michigan or back home in Tampa, I have no idea. But I know who's hands my life is in. Do I still worry about meeting deadlines and making the cut? AB-SO-FREAKIN-LUTELY! I trust the Lord, but I am still human, know that. But with Him I don't need to concern myself with acceptance or impressing, I will never make the cut in someone's eyes. In God's eyes though, I'm His perfect creation whom He loves endlessly. THAT is good news. :) And the people I meet along the way make the journey bearable and fun. I'm so blessed to have all of the people I do in my life!
Just a little piece of goodness the Lord has been revealing to me that I'll share with the ladies : )
Don't settle. Ever, ever, ever. And don't assume you're NOT settling by being naive. Know what you should have, want and deserve and don't take anything less. If he makes you happy, great. But get the guys who makes you happy because of his overflow of love for the Lord, which in turn makes him love YOU. Basically this: KNOW and WAIT. Put P31 into action.
Okay I'm out for now.
Maybe a real blog next time, and not 2 months later! ;)

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