"If I could see you, if I could hear you
'Cause I've barricaded these tendencies
My selfish pride, these things inside
They always get the best of me
Show me love, teach me truth
And break my heart, and bring me back to You."
The Philippines has finally sunk in.
There are days it brings me to tears when I think about the people, our pastors, everything that made me fall in love with that country-and how much I miss it all. I spent three weeks with some of the most humble and amazing people I have ever met. We ate together, shopped together, got lost, slept on Jeepneys, learned to use the CR, got stared at, smelled weird stuff, sucked diesel fumes 24/7, remembered to only use bottled water all the time, woke up at a God forsaken hour everyday, managed travel in a foreign country and a hundred other new experiences. And as my life coasts back to "normal", I feel like it almost never happened. My heart had never felt the way it did in the Philippines and that alone makes me want to be back right now. Sure it made me feel great to be like a celebrity everywhere I went (actually, I normally felt uncomfortable in my own skin when they got excited to see an "Americana"), but the best feeling was being able to share the love of God with them. To share my heart and see kids go from precious Filipino students to my brothers and sisters in Christ. I could try and try, but I could never replace seeing their smiles after they realized they had a home in Heaven. "See you in heaven, Shasha!" Nothing compares. Nothing compares to the tears on precious high school girls faces who heard the message, completely understood it, and accepted it.
There are days it brings me to tears when I think about the people, our pastors, everything that made me fall in love with that country-and how much I miss it all. I spent three weeks with some of the most humble and amazing people I have ever met. We ate together, shopped together, got lost, slept on Jeepneys, learned to use the CR, got stared at, smelled weird stuff, sucked diesel fumes 24/7, remembered to only use bottled water all the time, woke up at a God forsaken hour everyday, managed travel in a foreign country and a hundred other new experiences. And as my life coasts back to "normal", I feel like it almost never happened. My heart had never felt the way it did in the Philippines and that alone makes me want to be back right now. Sure it made me feel great to be like a celebrity everywhere I went (actually, I normally felt uncomfortable in my own skin when they got excited to see an "Americana"), but the best feeling was being able to share the love of God with them. To share my heart and see kids go from precious Filipino students to my brothers and sisters in Christ. I could try and try, but I could never replace seeing their smiles after they realized they had a home in Heaven. "See you in heaven, Shasha!" Nothing compares. Nothing compares to the tears on precious high school girls faces who heard the message, completely understood it, and accepted it.
I thought I would do a huge long blog about my time there, mainly for those who supported me before and during the trip..but I don't even know how to put something like that into words. I'm gonna try my best to just tell you a little bit through pictures of the experience.
This is my buddy Carlos. One of many faces I fell in love with while at the orphanage. What I wouldn't do to spend an entire year with them.
This is one of the Army guys I met. He was Islamic. Just as shy and giggly as the kids I had just preached to. He heard why I was there, pray God planted a seed.
THIS boy! Ah the little boy in the middle is Justin. I met him at a school on my very last day of preaching. I have no idea why he stuck out to me so much, but I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was such a blessing to me that day.
This is my man EDDIE! I never got to go out preaching with him my first week in Butuan, but the following week in Tandag...I was with him like everyday almost! Made me laugh and made me realize how blessed I was..especially to get to know him and his story!
I cannot remember how to say this boy's name! It ended with -isco though lol. He was in the front of a class I preached in and every time I looked at him, he smiled this HUGE smile. I just ate it up! I'm telling you, these smiles just melt my heart.
Rain day! This was a rough school for me. It was combined Elementary and HS. I started preaching to the Elementary, then more kids showed up. So I caught them up. Then it started to MONSOON. Then high schoolers came. Then I finally got a microphone. THREE times I preached in like 15 mins. It was intense. Anyways, these kids were walking with me while I waited for Pastor Balabagno to get the Jeepney! So sweet!
This high school was awesome! I got dropped off without any translators (it was cool cause I had to do that in Baguio too!) And I sat with the principal for a while and talked with some teachers..they were amazing to me. And these kids were SO fun. I was a bit claustrophobic in that room, but oh so worth it.
Perhaps you have found your calling? I am so very proud of you. You will accomplish much no matter where you are.