Monday, January 10, 2011

last time.

Thank you God for always leading me where I need to be, when I need to be there. Thanks for simple reminders when I think anything about myself- that I shouldn't think about myself apart from you, ever, good or bad. Thank you for people who understand when I don't. Thank you for reminding me that this is nothing, and life could always be worse, and is worse for someone, somewhere out there. That I have a beautiful life no matter how many crooked lines are drawn in it. That maybe things get worse before they get better, but they always get better. Thank you that I'm not perfect. Thank you for being perfect for me. Thank you for being able to do anything through me. Thank you for being the only one I can trust in. Thank you for shutting so many doors numerous times. Thank you for opening every door that I thought was too plain for my life. Thanks for proving me wrong, thanks for loving me.

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