Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dona nobis pacem.

Typically when the same thing, or type of thing happens numerous times, the initial thrill, anxiety, and excitement wears off. The first time you ride Shiekra is nothing like the 15th time you've ridden it. But when it comes to matters, or miracles really, done by the Lord- they never cease to amaze me. And honestly, I can never fully comprehend the complexity behind His simplicity. I can't understand how EASY miracles are for Him.

After a really condensed time of temptation or struggle, I was so relieved by the little things that were perfectly orchestrated into my life. Things that screamed, "Sasha, I am so jealous for YOUR attention, WHY are you wasting your time on these things? My love will never fade, but the things of this earth will leave you completely empty."

Beating myself up and feeling guilty, He got my full attention:
God is being patient with you... He wants all people to change their hearts and lives. 2 Peter 3:9
"To those who embrace Christ as Savior, He has promised a new birth... Does that mean you will instantly be able to resist any temptation? To answer that question compare your new birth in Christ to a new born baby. Can a newborn walk?... No, not yet. But someday he will. It takes time to grow. But is the parent in the delivery room ashamed of the baby? Of course not, they are proud. They know that growth will come with time. So does God."

How can something THAT specific to my life merely be a coincidence? He orchestrates things so incredibly perfect.

He didn't stop there.
He surrounded me with the most welcoming and encouraging believers. He didn't make me a stranger, he gave me a new home. A desire to be a part of something so much more.

I just happened to open my old devotional website I used and what was the topic for today? Doubt Your Doubts.
It was like He was speaking DIRECTLY to me via internet. The main points?
Read the bible consistently.
Turn to God constantly.
Focus on God continually.
Seek out faith-builders persistently.
The verse? Hebrews 11:1 "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." If only you knew how much that one means to me. God's got a sense of humor and He understands and relates to us a lot more than we know.

And what else has He thrown at me? A reminder. One I have known and repeated hundreds of times.
"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty. Who was, and is, and is to come." Rev 4:8

I know as the week goes on He will continue to add to my list of proven love, care, faith, and miracles.
I screw up, and God is still nothing but GOOD.


  1. sasha...this is so encouraging! God IS so good...psalm 136!! i miss you a lot. i hope your summer is going awesome!

  2. I think this one is my favorite that you have posted. You never cease to amaze me. Please let me know if you ever need to talk.

    I love you!
