Thursday, February 27, 2014

Learnings Continue

Anyone who has read my blog - or pieces of my blog from day one, until now, has learned a couple of things about me. Things which have all evolved within the past three-ish years of my nomadic, "easy breezy", lily-pad-hopping life. I've grown into my skin and more importantly I have grown into the very passions I discovered along the way. My journey to Kuwait has really been no different.

What I've learned.

I'm no superhero, inspirational-quote-worthy social media star, or super tough chick. I really think some of you believe otherwise, but let's set the record straight: I'm made up of more whimsy and giggles than anything else. The crazier my life seems to appear to you all, the simpler I become. But somehow, however simple I may feel, my life has served as an inspiration to important people in my life - and to total strangers. It makes my fingertips flutter across the keyboard to know that. I do back flips inside when a sweet soul tells me [MY] crazy little life was the spark for something greater. It's humbling and I get so much stinking joy from seeing other's adventures and hearing their stories about following their heart and falling in love with life. Like, WHAT? You people are crazy. Not me. YOU. And I love it. Continue, please. Ya'll sure are brave for playing follow the leader with this whimsy-giggly-crossfitter. I pray as my life inspires and I grasp the fact it does so, it would bring light. A light that is much, much greater than my life.

What I've learned part 2.

I am in love with my Creator. Though my walk with Christ is not the "married-by-24-kids-by-27" life plan I had wrote and prayed for, FERVENTLY, since I can's surpassed the plan. He has shown me, although my life plan was precious and beautiful and good, He had a much bigger plan which was tailor made for me. He had a bigger plan before I ever discovered my "married-by-24-kids-by-27" was not for me, not yet. I am still learning to understand His ways, accept His grace - and give it. And LOVE! When you stop planning the timeline of your life, something happens. You enjoy it. You love it. Not just a "yeah today was great" love. A belly-deep chuckle where you can't catch your breath kind of love. The kind of love that wakes you up at 5am and you can't help but smile because genuine joy sorta seeps out of you. Saying goodbye to checklists and expectations meant I was free to give and receive the purest kind of love, without any kind of IOU or agenda. It doesn't always come back to me, but I serve a God whose arms reach longer than the shortcomings of me or those around me. Win, win.
Just give it.

I know some of you were expecting to hear about Kuwait, but this is how it is coming out. I've never been traditional. So don't expect a timeline with photos and descriptions of my time here. It would belittle the experience by going through the timeline of the past week and the month prior. The photos will come, the stories will come. For now, know that my heart is filled.

For those who have offered to pray for me while I am here - pray that I would be salt and light, hands and feet.