Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The truth about vegan choc pudding. that it's not so great. Actually, I'm repulsed at the fact I'm still eating it. Haha. First thing I have ever gotten from Whole Foods (aka fave store EVER) and not liked. It's okay, the vegan choc chip cookies were PRISTINE today. I am going to be a diabetic someday, geeeeez. OR just have no teeth from all this SUGAA. I went to the dentist this mornin.. result: 2 stinkin cavities. TWO! Ugh I suck. (this was not this morning but like four days ago) I'm real great at keeping this updated ;)

On a more relevant note:
I did FGB6 today. And I fell in love with crossfit a little more. Even though I think I was garbage, it was worth it. In the words of a fellow crossfitter I met this morning, (with a SWEET British accent, might I add) "Crossfit is like a cult, really. I mean look at all of us. Look at what we're doing!" She was a hoot. Honestly true though! Crossfit is a whole different breed of fitness. I love it and I don't plan on bailing anytime soon. At all.

Okay and this is my blogger happy post/rant. Here's the background: I was reading through some emails the other day and came across some I had sent a year or two ago with a friend of mine. Part of it really stuck out to me. I was talking about my "dreams". Some of the things I said I can't even picture myself saying (which can be both good and bad). But what really got me was how different I see this now having hindsight. But that my dreams haven't really changed.

"Oh, I have so many dreams. Just know, I would abandon these dreams any day for a much higher calling!I think I have already mentioned this one.. For as long as I can remember, I have always had a heart for children, especially those in need. Because of that, I desire to adopt a child if the Lord blesses me with the opportunity, and a husband of course. But beyond that, I have this crazy dream of adopting a child from every continent. I mean obviously not antarctica. And I would probably not adopt from North America, but you get my drift. It's not impossible, but it's pretty out there

I definitely dream of cheering and fitness competing again. I dream of moving away and finding the place I "fit" instead of the melting pot of Tampa. I dream of traveling the world for a year for pleasure and missions. I dream of teaching my kids Bible stories and how to french braid and take them kayaking and picking them up from their grandparent's house happy as can be.

I really dream about a family.

More prevalent would be my desire to just finish school on top and life magically falls into place. I find a great job anywhere in the country as long as they have beaches or mountains or something awesome to offer and then out of nowhere I fall in love, get married and have a family. Pretty simple, but I know that's just an "American Dream". I kind of want nothing to do with it. God didn't call me to live the American Dream He called me to be a disciple, to know Him and make Him known. Sure, I can still do all of those thing and bring glory to the Lord, I know that. But, I don't want it to tempt me from my true calling. It's like the American dream is sitting on a platter next to God's unknown plan for my life, the dream looks SO good and is so tempting, I would rather just not be able to see it.

I would describe the kind of guy I "dream" of, but I just can't. I feel like a lessen the value of who God has set apart for me by trying to make some non-existent, dream husband up. I think I talked about that in my very first blog. You can see my blunt side in that one, but it's all so true. Check it out if you get the chance. Whoever God has in store is perfect. I couldn't put a better label on him than that-not military, athlete, pastor, whatever. So yeah, those are some of my dreams!"

I know we go through seasons in our walk with the Lord just like anything else. Maybe I was at a great place then. It just encourages me to get back there. And to be able to tell someone that I want nothing to do with the American dream. Cause in my heart, I don't. But sometimes it's just easier to fall into that mindset. (But I mean I'm a crossfitter...since when do I choose easy!!?) I loved this, "I feel like a lessen the value of who God has set apart for me by trying to make some non-existent, dream husband up. " Woooo! Did I really say that?!? My own words speak volumes to me, right now. I understood then, that the Lord would provide in time what I need. And right now, I need to do the same. No matter how crappy the situation, it seems to me, my God always provides. This too is in His hands. And I'm okay with that.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Truth Hurts?

Not even on the plane to come home and I'm observing things definitely blog worthy. Well, actually these are status worthy things, but I feel like people hate me when I post so many statuses haha.

IF I did though, this is what they would say:

Dear woman behind me in the terminal, thank you for sharing your tastes in music with me and everyone around you. Opinion: IT SUCKS. Turn your freakin music're kinda sorta missing the point of headphones. #genius.

Yes, man in front of me in the terminal, we can also hear your youtube videos. I'm guessing you searched for "hillbilly gator huntin" or "rednecks falling over"? Again, HEADPHONES. #howoldareyou?

Annnnnd now I'm loling in the terminal. Reading HILAR.
Check it.

Now, from today which was my plane ride back to Texas.

I decided to wear my toe shoes through the airport and got quite a bit of conversation from it. While waiting in line at Chili's, the guy in front of me (about my age), turns around and says, "hey are those things comfy?" And we continued to chat about my lovely shoes until I had to order lol. I sat down and got on my computer and got my food before they did. As their order came, he walked by me and says, "Later, toe feet!". HA! I didn't realize he was talking to me at first either! Too great.
One of the TSA security guys and my flight attendant also conversed with me about my shoes. You know how guys can use puppies to attract chicks? Well I think my shoes almost work in the same way haaaaaa! Except they attract mainly dudes. Occasionally ladies will ask me about them. Either way I LOVE IT :)